Websajts u karti

  • fil Bergthorsson, KL Adams, B Thomason, & JD Palmer 2003. Widespread horizontal transfer of mitochondrial genes in flowering plants. natura, 424:197-201.
  • Il Baidouri M, M-C Carpentier, R Cooke, D Gao, E Lasserre, C Llauro, M Mirouze, N Picault, SA Jackson u O Panaud.2014. Widespread and frequent horizontal transposable elements in plants. Genome Research 24: 831-838
  • Geering ADW, F Maumus, D Copetti, N Choisne, DJ Zwicki, M Zytnicki, AR McTaggart, S Scalabrin, S Vezzulli, RA Wing, H Quesneville and P-Y Teycheyney.2014. Endogenous florendoviruses are a major components of plant genomes and hallmarks of virus evolution. Nature Communications 5(5269) doi:10.1038/ncomms6269.
  • Kyndt T, D QUISPE, H Zhai, R Jarrett, M Ghislain, Q Liu, G GHEYSEN, and JF Kreuze.2015. Il-ġenoma tal-patata ħelwa kkultivati ​​fih Agrobacterium T-DNAs ma ġeni espressi: an example of a naturally transgenic food crop. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci USA 112:5844-5849
  • forza Liu et al 2012.Evolutionary ta jirrepeti AT-sinjuri għal ġenomika nasba u episomal DNAs fil-ġenoma ross: lezzjonijiet minn pararetrovirus endoġenu. Ġurnal tal-pjanti 72:817-82
  • Staginnus et al. 2007 sekwenzi pararetroviral endoġeni fil tadam (Solanum lycopersicum) and related species BMC Plant Biology7:24

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