Golden Ross huwa 2015 Rebbieħ tal-Privattivi Istati Uniti għall-Premju Umanità

X'tagħmel "naturali’ fil-fatt tfisser? New panel xjenza ħaj ta 'pjanti Q&A
Frar 6, 2015
Il-ġenoma tal-patata ħelwa kkultivati ​​fih Agrobacterium T-DNAs ma ġeni espressi: Eżempju ta 'wiċċ l-ikel b'mod naturali transġenika
April 21, 2015

L-Uffiċċju White House tal-Politika tax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija u l-U.S. Brevetti u Trademarks (UPSTO) ħabbru-rebbieħa tal- 2015 recipients of thePatents for Humanity Award, among them the Golden Rice Project.

Patents for Humanity is a USPTO program that recognizes patent owners and licensees working to improve global health and living standards for underserved populations. The program advances the President’s global development agenda by recognizing private sector leaders who bring life-saving technologies to those in need, while showing how patents are an integral part of tackling the world’s challenges.

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